
Stop Iron Stains
Without An Iron Filter

Remove the Rust Build-Up in Your Water Softener That Is Preventing It From Stopping The Iron Stains

Without Crystal Clean, your water softener should not be used to remove iron from well water because the iron stains will eventually return.

This happens because the iron bonds with oxygen inside your softener’s resin to form rust.  Rust-removing salt and retail iron treatments are not strong enough to break up the rust, so it builds up until the softener can no longer prevent iron stains.  Because rust buildup will eventually occur in all water softeners, an iron filter is usually recommended to remove the iron before it ever reaches the softener. 

Crystal Clean is the only treatment that solves the problem of rust buildup in a water softener, completely eliminating the need for an expensive iron filter.  Where most other treatments use acid, Crystal Clean utilizes an advanced, organic, non-acid technology with a 10x higher molecular bonding strength. This easily breaks apart the rust that all other treatments leave behind.

By eliminating rust build-up, Crystal Clean gives your water softener the ability to remove 100% of the iron from your water, completely eliminating the expense of an iron filter.  Some local water professionals swear by Crystal Clean and have sold it for over 30 years. Others love installing iron filters and have no interest.  Make no mistake, Crystal Clean will solve your iron problem. This system is a low-cost, dependable iron filter alternative with a 37 year track record of success.

How Crystal Clean Works

Learn how Crystal Clean works on a molecular level inside your water softener with this short video explanation.

How To Install Crystal Clean

Insert Feed Tube

Feed tubing as far as possible down into the pipe along the inside of your salt brine tank. This allows our liquid to drip directly into the salt water.  Be sure not to cut-off the extra tubing because the excess will be needed later on.


Add Treatment To Gallon Bottle

Feed tubing as far as possible down into the pipe along the inside of your salt brine tank. This allows our liquid to drip directly into the salt water.  Be sure not to cut-off the extra tubing because the excess will be needed later on.


Fill With Distilled Water

Add detailed or reverse osmosis water to the one gallon jug, filling it the rest of the way to the top.  This diluted mixture will last exactly 4 months.  Distilled or RO water are only required for the first gallon.  Every other refill can be done with your softener water.


Insert Tube Into Bottle

Feed the tube with the cap into the one-gallon bottle and screw on tight. Be sure to position the tubing so it is as close to the bottom of the bottle as possible.


Mount The Pump To The Brine Tank

Mount the pump on the outside of your brine tank (or to the outside of your all-in-one softener) with the included high-strength velcro tape. Be sure to secure the excess tubing without cutting the slack because you will need that slack in the years to come.


Plug In The Pump

Plug the pump into any standard wall outlet. Our auto-dispenser runs 24/7, so installing the pump is very easy because it does not need to be hard-wire installed.  This pump will empty your one-gallon container in exactly 4 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are rust removing salt and regular iron treaments ineffective at solving iron problems?
They have too low of a molecular bonding strength. The reason that the iron becomes trapped in the resin is that some of the iron molecules form a strong bond with oxygen molecules and get stuck in the resin. The only way to remove this trapped rust is to break the strong iron/oxygen bond. Standard iron treatments and iron removing salt use primarily use acid which has a very low molecular bonding strength that simply cannot break the iron/oxygen bond. Crystal Clean has a molecular bonding strength 10x higher than those standard treatments. This high bonding strength is much stronger than the iron/oxygen bond, easily breaking the bond, and removing the trapped iron from the resin.
Will it fix the rotten egg odor in my hot water?
No. The rotten egg odor coming only from the hot water is the result of your magnesium anode rod corroding inside the hot water tank. Replacing this rod with a different material and flushing the water heater tank, or removing and not replacing it are the only way to eliminate the odor.
Do you have local dealers?
We have an extensive list of local dealers that will be more than happy to supply you with Crystal Clean.
How does Crystal Clean compare to other iron treatments?
It’s much more effective because of a much higher molecular bonding strength that easily removes stubborn trapped iron from a water softener’s resin bed. It’s also sold in a concentrate so one 16 oz. bottle will last an average of four months.
How easy is the Crystal Clean system to install?
Very easy. The system can be setup and running in less than 15 minutes and can be installed by the homeowner.  The toughest part is figuring out how much treatment to use.  We created this dosage calculator for that reason.
Can the Crystal Clean treatment be used without the pump?
Yes. If you are willing to add treatment to the salt brine tank of your softener usually every three days consistently, then you don’t need the pump. The automatic system is only refilled 3x per year.
Should I chlorinate my well?
In most cases the answer is no. Chlorinating the well will super-oxidize the iron in the water converting it to flakes of rust that the softener cannot remove. These flakes will clog all aerators in the house. The only reason this would be justified would be if a rotten egg odor was coming directly from the well as a result of iron bacteria.
Why are other popular iron treatments so ineffective at solving my iron problem?
Simple. The standard iron treatments are simply too weak to remove the trapped iron from the softener’s resin. This iron has become trapped because it has bonded with oxygen molecules to form rust. This bond is very strong. The only way to remove this trapped iron is to break this strong iron/oxygen bond. The bonding strength of standard iron treatments is much weaker than the iron/oxygen bond, so they don’t work. The Crystal Clean treatment has a molecular bonding strength 10x higher than the standard treatments. This makes breaking the iron/oxygen bond and removing the trapped iron very easy.
Is Crystal Clean safe for my septic system?
Yes! It breaks down naturally and will not adversely affect the bacteria in your septic tank.
Will Crystal Clean remove existing iron stains?
No. All Crystal Clean treatment is rinsed from the resin at the end of the regeneration cycle, so no treatment is ever in the soft water leaving existing iron stains unaffected. Once you start treatment, clean those iron stains one last time and they will never return.
Is it safe to drink the treated water?
Yes! Crystal Clean is an organic treatment that is 100% water soluble. The standard water rinse that occurs after the regeneration process removes all treatment from the resin. There is no residual treatment left in the resin when soft water is produced.
What Is Crystal Clean Made Of?
The Crystal Clean treatment is a custom formulated organic water treatment. It is considered non-hazardous and contains no acid.