Reduce Scale, Odors
& Biological Fouling
in Infra-Red Humidifiers.
Scale, Odor, and Biological Fouling are a thing of the past
Humidifiers are designed to increase humidity by evaporating water at a specific rate, allowing the water vapor to be absorbed into the air. The concept is simple, controlling the effects are much more difficult. When heat is applied to water, evaporation occurs. The water vapor that escapes is virtually pure leaving behind the hardness elements that were present in the water. To make up for the water lost in evaporation, fresh water enters the system carrying additional hardness. This on-going process builds increasingly higher cycles of hardness concentration in the system water. Since water can only hold small amounts of hardness, fallout quickly occurs, causing scale to form in the humidifier.
Another common humidifier problem is biological fouling. Bacteria and spores are present in all buildings. These are microscopic air-born particles that are generally harmless. However, when air is filtered through the humidifier, bacteria and spores become trapped in the water. This can cause serious problems. Humidifiers act as incubators, they provide heat, moisture, and nutrients allowing bacteria and spores to colonize. In many cases this is identified by musty odors in the humidifier pan or vapor. If excessive algae and fungi growth can be seen in the pan. This can cause potential health problems to people prone to respiratory ailments.
vapure installationVAPURE is a single feed treatment program that will virtually eliminate the problems of scale, biological fouling, and odors in all types of humidifiers. The incredibly high bonding strength of this advanced technology treatment enables it to sequester 100% of the hardness elements in water and hold them in solution. These properties give VAPURE the ability to remove existing scale deposits while preventing new scale from forming, even at very high cycles of concentration.
VAPURE will also control biological fouling without pesticides. Biological fouling requires a controlled environment of heat, moisture, oxygen, nutrients, and specific pH. Alter this environment enough and bio-fouling cannot occur. VAPURE works by altering two of these parameters. First, it bonds so tightly with calcium, magnesium, and iron (biological nutrients) that they are no longer available as a food source. Second, VAPURE does not effect alkalinity, allowing it to cycle up naturally with the system water. This increases pH and again alters the system environment. These changes in the system water make it almost impossible for biological fouling to occur.
VAPURE is the most advanced humidifier water treatment in the world. It is easy to apply, very safe to handle, and will not leave the humidifier with the vapor. No other humidifier treatment can offer the advantages and performance of VAPURE, guaranteed.
Emerson Liebert sells so much of our Vapure systems that they created their own materials: